E' la stampa, bellezza.
È la stampa, bellezza. La stampa! E tu non ci puoi fare niente. Niente.
Bogart (Ed Hutcheson) è in tipografia. L'ultima edizione del giornale, prima della chiusura, riporterà che il boss Tomas Rienzi è responsabile di un omicidio come da un diario consegnato al giornale. Rienzi telefona da casa sua in tipografia. Bogart prende il microfono.
RIENZI: Hutcheson?
BOGART: Hello, baby.
RIENZI: (pausa) How'm I feeling? I hear Mrs. Schmidt came in to see you.
HUTCHESON: (pausa) That's right. That's right. There's some loose cash here belongs to you. $200,000 worth. There's something else too.
RIENZI: What diary? Who's gonna believe what a little tramp writes to herself? Wait a minute! Don't hang up! Here's some advice for you, friend: Don't press your luck. Lay off me. Don't print that story!
BOGART: What's that supposed to be, an order?
RIENZI: If not tonight, then tomorrow. Maybe next week, maybe next year. [l'aiutante di Rienzi lo prende per il braccio; Rienzi lo spinge indietro] But sooner or later, you'll catch it. Listen to me! Print that story and you're a dead man.
BOGART: It's not just me anymore. You'd have to stop every newspaper in the country, and you're not big enough for that job. People like you have tried it before -- with bullets, prison, censorship. But as long as even one newspaper will print the truth, you're finished.
RIENZI: Don't give me that fancy double-talk. Yes or no?
(L'orologio della tipografia segna le 10.30 pm. Il capo-officina guarda verso Bogart, che annuisce. Il capo schiaccia un bottone, suona un campanello, e le macchine partono con grande frastuono.)
RIENZI (ancora al telefono): Yes or no?
(Bogart gira il telefono verso le macchine)
RIENZI: Hey, Hutcheson! That noise! What's that racket?
BOGART: That's the press, baby, the press. And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
(Bogart appende, le rotative partono, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" suona in sottofondo, fine del film.)
Scena tratta dal film "L'ultima minaccia"
Bogart (Ed Hutcheson) è in tipografia. L'ultima edizione del giornale, prima della chiusura, riporterà che il boss Tomas Rienzi è responsabile di un omicidio come da un diario consegnato al giornale. Rienzi telefona da casa sua in tipografia. Bogart prende il microfono.
RIENZI: Hutcheson?
BOGART: Hello, baby.
RIENZI: (pausa) How'm I feeling? I hear Mrs. Schmidt came in to see you.
HUTCHESON: (pausa) That's right. That's right. There's some loose cash here belongs to you. $200,000 worth. There's something else too.
RIENZI: What diary? Who's gonna believe what a little tramp writes to herself? Wait a minute! Don't hang up! Here's some advice for you, friend: Don't press your luck. Lay off me. Don't print that story!
BOGART: What's that supposed to be, an order?
RIENZI: If not tonight, then tomorrow. Maybe next week, maybe next year. [l'aiutante di Rienzi lo prende per il braccio; Rienzi lo spinge indietro] But sooner or later, you'll catch it. Listen to me! Print that story and you're a dead man.
BOGART: It's not just me anymore. You'd have to stop every newspaper in the country, and you're not big enough for that job. People like you have tried it before -- with bullets, prison, censorship. But as long as even one newspaper will print the truth, you're finished.
RIENZI: Don't give me that fancy double-talk. Yes or no?
(L'orologio della tipografia segna le 10.30 pm. Il capo-officina guarda verso Bogart, che annuisce. Il capo schiaccia un bottone, suona un campanello, e le macchine partono con grande frastuono.)
RIENZI (ancora al telefono): Yes or no?
(Bogart gira il telefono verso le macchine)
RIENZI: Hey, Hutcheson! That noise! What's that racket?
BOGART: That's the press, baby, the press. And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing.
(Bogart appende, le rotative partono, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" suona in sottofondo, fine del film.)
Scena tratta dal film "L'ultima minaccia"